European Projects
Kokkalis Foundation participated in European programs. Specifically, in HelpMi-Helping Migrants to Integrate in Work Environments program, with the main objective of serving migrants in the local labor market and improving their understanding of European culture, while at the same time developing the multicultural skills of executives in the field of human resources management. The EGD4Cities- European Green Deal for Cities program inspired by existing initiatives, aimed at implementing a "green approach" to both human capital and the economy in the concept of sustainability. Its vision is to empower local authorities with a "green toolbox" for creating long-term Sustainable Development plans, introducing skills related to the transition to a cyclical and greener economy. The CREW- Creativity, Resilience, Empowerment for Work European program, aiming to educate the unemployed, young people and students who want to enhance and improve their skills (Digital Literacy, Career Management Skills, Communication and Self-improvement skills), as well as to the development of a self-assessment tool (Self-Test of required skills in the workplace) in order to be integrated into the labor market. Finally, the Kokkalis Foundation is currently one of the Partners at the CERESiS (ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuel Strategies) Horizon 2020 proposal. CERESiS involves academia, industry, organizations, institutes and SMEs in a joint effort to tackle the indirect land use change (ILUC) risk while producing biofuels, as well as the fact that - at the same time - significant contaminated land areas remain unused. The project aims to create sustainable solutions to both issues, facilitating land reclamation through phytotherapy, with the cultivation of energy crops for the production of clean biofuels

Athens, Greece
+30 216 8003090
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