The Kokkalis Foundation contribution and support to the sectors of Education and Human Capital, Medical Research and Human Development and Culture & Athletics, through sponsorships, donations of medical equipment and financial support of publications, different institutions, conferences and cultural, athletic and educational events and actions, has been extremely significant. The support of ELIAMEP’s Halki International Seminars, the financial support for the completion of Columbia’s University “Shared History Project”, the support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Ecocinema International Film Festival and the “Kidon” Sports Club of Chania, the Birthday celebration in honor of the life and work of Mikis Theodorakis, the donations to Agia Sophia Children’s Hospital and the Hellenic Society of Haematology, the donation of medical equipment to the Cardiology Center at the Tzaneio Hospital and the sponsoring of the establishment of the state of the art Petros Kokkalis Center for Neurosurgery Research at Evangelismos Hospital, are just a few examples.

Athens, Greece
+30 216 8003090-91
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